A Breathtaking Short Film:
Film Festival
'Night, Mother' Review
Dubliner - Directed by Linda Rosenfeld
The Good Deed - Directed by Eugene E~NRG
Tempest Desert - Directed by Talita Maia
Flushing - Directed by Sihan Cui
THE PROGRAMME - Antony Spina
Three Days Gone: Based on the Life of Lucas Snow - Directed by Scott McCullough
The Time of Your Life, Directed By Frank Juarez
The Sleepless, Directed By Michael DiBiasio
Home Away, Directed by Oliver Yan
The Unorthodox Series, Directed By Laura Barbato
Muddy Water, Directed By Colby Cyrus
The Big Ugly, Directed by Scott Wiper
Ashes, Directed by Jiuxun Jin
this is how I lost my virginity, Directed By Claire Chubbuck
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Fullshot Cine Mag is a film magazine that focuses on the world cinema, and specializes in interviewing outstanding artists, reviewing and introducing the finest films and tv shows, and providing a platform to promote the works of emerging filmmakers